LED Parking Lot Lights Project for A Supermarket
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LED Parking Lot Lights Project for A Supermarket
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LED Parking Lot Lights Project for A Supermarket
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LED highbay for warehouses, manufacturing and education
LED highbaylightinghasanewlookwithLEDSealedhighbayluminaires.Youdon'tneedtosacrificesmartlooksforaffordable,dependablelightinginyourfunctionalspacesany
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TAXES & INCENTIVES | Tax deduction offers new opportunities for efficiency
Last year’s passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) contained an important revision to the U.S. tax code’s Section 179D: Energy efficient commercial buildings deduction that expanded the Commercial Buildings Tax Deduction (CBTD).
Think twice before replacing with LED tubes
As European facility managers wake up to a fluorescent ban, they might be surprised to learn that replacing their lighting tubes might not be as easy as swapping in a same form factor LED version. Rather, they could do better with a different style of LED
Responsive LEDs join forces with daylight to lower energy costs
Some lighting and HVAC systems utilize Bluetooth-enabled devices to identify when individuals enter or leave a space. Perhaps an executive on the fourth floor would prefer their office temperature a few degrees higher or lower than the rest of the buildin